Home mental fitness Self-Care and Work-Life Harmony: Simple Habits from Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

Self-Care and Work-Life Harmony: Simple Habits from Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

by Marianne Navada
Jeff Bezos Amazon self-care

Jeff Bezos announced that he’s stepping down as CEO of Amazon. Started in 1994, with a $300,000 seed money from his parents, Amazon is now worth $1.7 trillion and growing. Aside from Amazon, he owns Blue Origin, a space company, and The Washington Post. We compiled some of the entrepreneur’s daily habits and philosophy.


I prefer the word “harmony” to the word “balance” because balance tends to imply a strict tradeoff. In fact, if I’m happy at work, I’m better at home — a better husband and better father. And if I’m happy at home, I come into work more energized — a better employee and a better colleague.

Jeff Bezos | Thrive Global Interview


You don’t choose your passions, your passions choose you.

All of us are gifted with certain passions, and the people who are lucky are the ones who get to follow those things.

Jeff Bezos | CNBC

Routine and Self-Care

  • Gets at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Believes in waking up naturally instead of using an alarm clock.
  •  He takes it easy in the morning and likes to “putter” around, such as drinking coffee, reading the news, and spending time with family.
  • Doesn’t schedule early morning meetings.
  • Does his high IQ meetings before lunch, around 10 AM.
  • For meeting productivity, he believes in the “2 Pizza Rule”. A meeting should be small enough that participants can be fed with two pizzas.